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A jew paints a rock and nobody cares

Started by yankeedoodle, July 22, 2023, 02:36:11 PM

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In New York, there's a Hudson Valley Press "newspaper" that claims to serve the Latino, African American, and Caribbean communities, yet, somebody managed to plant a propaganda story about this rock that some jew painted and dropped onto a pile of rubble.  The message is that the "local officials still have no comment," which means, of course, they know the rock is fake, but, of course, they're "anti-semitic" because they don't believe the jews, and won't waste their time on a rock painted by a jew. 

QuoteLast Thursday morning three disturbing images of hate were found in the City of Newburgh. Days later, local officials still have no comment.

To read the very poorly written propaganda piece that was in the "newspaper," go to this link:  https://hudsonvalleypress.com/2023/07/19/hate-symbols-found-on-stone-wall-on-broadway/