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Crips AND LA cops use 6 sided star - sign of Jew influence ?

Started by abduLMaria, November 10, 2023, 10:06:14 AM

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I was reading about the LA Crips gang using a 6 pointed star as a gang symbol.

Their star is mostly blue.

Can't post pics, so here is an LA Crips star on Pinterest -


LA County Sheriffs also use a 6 pointed star -


Do you think either of these were inspired by the Jew 6 pointed star ?

I started out posting this in "Religion", because I wasn't sure where else to put it, and because gang life (and cop life) can both be like a Religion.
Planet of the SWEJ - It's a Horror Movie.




I think police and sheriff departments have used a six-pointed star for many years.  Police, particularly high-ranking police, are often Masons.  The Masonic lodge - i.e. crypto-jewish lodge - is probably the origin of the six-pointed badge.

And, the Crips are out there in LA with the jews.  They probably have jewish lawyers, who get rich keeping them out of jail, so maybe they return the favor by adopting the jew star.
Check out this Crips photo:


There are only so many shapes available.

Would be interesting to hear what the gang founders have to say.

Anybody up for a drive through South Central ?
Planet of the SWEJ - It's a Horror Movie.
