Re: "Black Friday" Indeed by Michael K

Started by Steve McQueen, November 29, 2008, 01:18:23 PM

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Steve McQueen

"What is wrong with America"?  Well, let's see, 50,000,000 abortions, 3,000,000 murdered in Iraq, gov't school propaganda, MSM, Hollywood, political correctness, social Darwinism, GM foods, getting gassed ever day from the sky with chemtrails like we're bugs, pedophiles for gov't overlords, Freemason cops, banker takeovers, crooked judges,...

We are the product of a society engineered by those in political science who know how to do herd management.  There is no fixing this kind of scientific dictatorship, esp when the vast majority refuse to leave Plato's cave.

Steve McQueen

But in this specific case, what's wrong with America is that the average weight of your typical shopper in stretch pants tips the scales at 250 pounds... the little Indian dude didn't stand a chance.

Steve McQueen

"Father, do be with Mr. Damour's friends and family in their time of grief.  We ask that you would make Yourself real to them and give these dear folk a view of an eternity which shall not be unpleasant nor vain.  In thy son Jesus, amen".

Mark 3:9,10: "And he told his disciples to have a boat constantly ready for him because of the crowd, lest they should crush him; for he had healed many, so that all who had distressing bodily diseases pressed upon him to touch him".    

Our Lord ministered to others and did so with a full understanding of the propensity of the masses to get out of control.  The lesson here for us in these last days of civilization is to live on the edge of humanity and always be prepared to escape into the wilderness.  

And travel light.