Started by joeblow, October 23, 2009, 06:45:12 AM

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Suspect death because of vaccine
Misstänkt dödsfall av vaccin ... el=3185825

190 side-effects of the vaccine
190-tal biverkningar av vaccinet ... t-1.979474

Stronger side-effects than other vaccines
"Kraftigare biverkningar än vid andra vaccin" ... id=5588273

Death after influenza vaccine distributed
Dödsfall efter influensavaccin utreds

They became sick from the vaccine
De blev sjuka av vaccinet ... v-vaccinet

Two people soon died after vaccination
Två personer avled kort efter vaccinering ... accinering

"The influenza vaccine may be too strong"
"Influensavaccinet kan vara för starkt"

Free Truth

Thanks for the translation  :roll:

Suspect death because of vaccine:

Suspicious deaths of vaccine Medicines Agency is now investigating a death in which a difficult hjärtsjuk patient fell ill with chest pains and died one day after vaccination against swine flu. - It was a multi-ill patient and, from there we got up so far there is nothing to support a causal association between vaccination and death, "said Gunilla Forsberg Sjölin Head of Food Safety. Meanwhile, five cases of allergic reactions reported in which patients must be treated in hospital, and they judged according to the MPA to be related to vaccination. A total of just under 200 reports of adverse reactions to swine flu vaccine has so far been received by the MPA . The most common is pain or pain in your arm around the injection site, muscle or joint aches and pain in the body. They account for one fourth of the reports. Otherwise, it is above all a general malaise and mild flu symptoms Of the approximately 200 reports, about 100 from health care and the rest from private individuals.

Two people soon died after vaccination:

Two people died shortly after vaccination, two seriously ill people have died after being vaccinated against swine flu. Now investigated the deaths of the MPA. - We do not yet know if there is any connection, "says Lennart Lind Walden who is an associate professor at the MPA.

One of the deceased, a man who was 55-years old were vaccinated in the morning on Friday 16 October. Twelve hours later he died. - He was difficult hjärtsjuk and had failure in other vital organs, said Hans Boman, infectious disease doctors in Västernorrland, for Should be vaccinated, then? - Yes, because it belongs to a division and that was why he went and vaccinated themselves. Boman says he does not believe that death is associated with the flu. - My opinion is that it has a random connection to vaccination, but we must await investigation. "Assessed at the national level," The man has obducerats and primary care has been ordered into his records and adverse event report. Is it possible for you to take action when the death is related to vaccination? - There must be an assessment at the national level, how to imagine, but there is a single death of hundreds of thousands of vaccinations. It is unlikely that there is no connection. Lennart Lind Walden who is an associate professor at the MPA says that on Thursday afternoon was reported in another suspicious death. - A hard muscle sick woman in their 60s died suddenly at his home two days after being vaccinated against swine flu. We shall now investigate the two deaths to see if there is any connection with the vaccine, "he says and adds: - It could be that the fever that may occur after the vaccine becomes too much strain on already seriously ill when the vaccine is stronger than ordinary flu. But it is of course impossible to be God the Father himself, and have all the answers from the beginning. In particular, it is possible to understand a relationship after a while.

Stronger side-effects than other vaccines:

They were sick from the vaccine, fever, chills, sore body, headaches and allergic reactions. About 110 reports of adverse reactions to swine flu vaccine have been reported to the MPA. - The vaccine has more side effects than usual influenza. It is a sign that it provides effective protection, "said Annika Linde Smittskyddsinstitutet.

About 600 000 doses of swine flu vaccine Pandemrix are sent out to county councils. Thousands of Swedes have taken the vaccine and now flows adverse reaction reports submitted to the MPA. So far, 110 adverse event reports received, about the same number of health professionals and private individuals. It is obvious that the vaccine against swine influenza gives more side effects than conventional vaccines against seasonal influenza. It says Annika Linde, state epidemiologist in the Infectious Diseases Institute. - That's because the swine flu vaccine containing adjuvant, hajleverolja, which triggers the immune system to react. It also enables protection against the virus becomes better. The vaccine provides mild side effects in more, but not more serious effects than expected. Not surprisingly mild flu symptoms such as fever or sore arm is stuck in is the most common, according to Gunilla Sjölin Forsberg, Head of Drug Safety. But the authority has also received several cases of allergic reactions. At least one of the victims had to get drugs cortisone and antihistamines to terminate the reaction. So far, the reported side effects are not unexpected, according to Gunilla Forsberg Sjolin. The Authority has now asked a number vaccinator to report adverse events to get a better idea of what's up. "Do those who take a chance" Many people are reluctant to take a vaccine, you may feel sick. Understandably, think Annika Linde. But she points out that the vaccine fever usually goes over in a day, while the flu may include fever for five days and would be significantly higher. In addition, flu hit much harder. - I can understand those who take a chance and think that they will not get sick. But it is a disease to have respect for. The new flu may cause a severe pneumonia with rapid and severe course. In Norway, seven people died. It would be terrible if we did not try to prevent death by offering the vaccine. Got high fever Nurse Lotta Lindstrom, 49, vaccinated in the last last week and still feel bad. She had high fever and chills of the syringe. - I shook the whole body. I could not hold in a teacup, "says Lotta Lindström. She is unsure whether she will take the next syringe. - I'm thinking about what I have in me. I was very affected. It feels really uncomfortable.

Free Truth

Remember, people don't have to drop dead right away or soon after the shot... There's no telling what side effects will come about and how much the future of your health would be impacted in the long run. And, by then you can't pin your troubles on a shot.

Every vaccine, at the very least, undoubtedly cuts down longevity.


Hey for those of you somewhat concerned about the heavy metal content:
There was a product developed on europe, but probably because of the Codex or something, who knows, the guy brought it to the states and sells it from there.
It uses Sodium EDTA, a chelation agent, to remove the heavy metals.

Yes. I have some.  :mrgreen:
moved on.
the author does not adopt jewish \'race theory\' or \'darwinism\'.
and believes \'jewish culture\' is mostly one of supporting their organized crime syndicates, with a enough veneer and an organized system of destroying and reshaping other cultures, to obfuscate the truth to most people.


Quote from: "Jenny Lake"Sodium EDTA, listed here as a vaccine ingredient


what are you saying EDTA is dangerous, or used in vaccine to lower the heavy metal load?
The U.S. Navy has been using it for over 60 years for heavy metal poisoning.

How about Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA)

NIMH chelation study in autism cancelled
One need not be a prophet to be aware of impending dangers. An accidental combination of experience and interest will often reveal events to one man under aspects which few see.

-F.A. Hayek


Jenny, with respect:

There are two kinds of Sodium EDTA, read up on it. One has been used for 60+ years safely to treat heavy metal poisoning. The other one is not so good - I believe that is one in the vaccines, maybe just so they can lump it in with all the other bad stuff and cause people who are ignorant, to believe it must be bad because it's coming out of the likes of the criminals at Novartus.

The only bad circumstance I know of, using the correct kind of Sodium EDTA, happened because the natureopath/naturopath was using it intravenously on a client/patient, and used way too much at once. I think that was around 2003, after it had been used safely and effectively for a few decades in natural healing. The stuff when used in extreme excess can bind with certain things which are needed. You must know from studying natural healing, almost anything in excess is not good.

These criminals will publish any kind of misnomer crap and resort to any trick the goy might fall for. Got to be 'wise as serpents'.
moved on.
the author does not adopt jewish \'race theory\' or \'darwinism\'.
and believes \'jewish culture\' is mostly one of supporting their organized crime syndicates, with a enough veneer and an organized system of destroying and reshaping other cultures, to obfuscate the truth to most people.

Jenny Lake

Equally, and with respect,

QuoteJenny, with respect:
There are two kinds of Sodium EDTA, read up on it. One has been used for 60+ years safely to treat heavy metal poisoning. The other one is not so good - I believe that is one in the vaccines, maybe just so they can lump it in with all the other bad stuff and cause people who are ignorant, to believe it must be bad because it's coming out of the likes of the criminals at Novartus.

Are you offering this as solace for the Vaccinated? Are you also going to tell me that this is NATURAL medicine?

QuoteThese criminals will publish any kind of misnomer crap and resort to any trick the goy might fall for. Got to be 'wise as serpents'.

I reject the supplantation of one kind of chemical pharm for another, and in the name of 'natural medicine'. This is not different than the colloidal silver issue. Einstein said one intelligent thing (if that is not also plagiarized), that you can't fix a problem with the same minds that created it. We're already walking bags of chemical garbage, and there are superior natural ways to chelate and detox --something the military has no interest in doing for troops. This is The magic bullet crowd --so let's remember that when we start citing the 'military success' of expedient protocols.