The Last Roundup

Started by Ralph Furely, May 29, 2008, 11:48:18 AM

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Ralph Furely

Wasn't sure where i should put this or if this would be the best place, but here we go anyway...

The Last Roundup
Is the government compiling a secret list of citizens to detain under martial law?
By Christopher Ketcham

this is scary stuff.. not surprising or new, but still scary nonetheless.  and i dont live in America.

from the bottom of the article:

UPDATE: Since this article went to press, several documents have emerged to suggest the story has longer
legs than we thought. Most troubling among these is an October 2001 Justice Department memo that detailed
the extra-constitutional powers the U.S. military might invoke during domestic operations following a terrorist
attack. In the memo, John Yoo, then deputy assistant attorney general, "concluded that the Fourth Amendment
had no application to domestic military operations." (Yoo, as most readers know, is author of the infamous Torture
Memo that, in bizarro fashion, rejiggers the definition of "legal" torture to allow pretty much anything short of murder.)
In the October 2001 memo, Yoo refers to a classified DOJ document titled "Authority for Use of Military Force to Combat
Terrorist Activities Within the United States." According to the Associated Press, "Exactly what domestic military action
was covered by the October memo is unclear. But federal documents indicate that the memo relates to the National
Security Agency's Terrorist Surveillance Program." Attorney General John Mukasey last month refused to clarify before
Congress whether the Yoo memo was still in force.

Meanwhile, congressional sources tell Radar that Congressman Peter DeFazio has apparently abandoned his effort to get
to the bottom of the White House COG classified annexes. Penny Dodge, DeFazio's chief of staff, says otherwise. "We will
be sending a letter requesting a classified briefing soon," she told Radar this week.