Hitler was not the first "German" Villian

Started by high_treason, January 08, 2010, 06:26:38 AM

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Seeing many people asking why Hitler was villified prompted me to remind them that Kaiser Willhelm II was treated as a war criminal and was considered the worst person of that era. He was villified along with all the Germans (Huns as they called them).

Here is part of the Verssailles treaty:

Article 227 charges former German Emperor, Wilhelm II with supreme offence against international morality. He is to be tried as a war criminal.
Articles 228–230 tried many other Germans as war criminals.
Article 231 (the "War Guilt Clause") lays sole responsibility for the war on Germany, which is to be accountable for all damage to civilian populations of the Allies.

Its just that with Wilhelm they couldn't prove their holohaux, the Bolshiviks were embroiled in a bitter civil war with the White Russians so there was no one to build the gas chambers. With Hitler the opportunity presented itself to turn him in to the most evil man to have ever lived, and the rest as they say is history.
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londongeezar (2 hours ago) Show Hide +1   Marked as spam Reply | Spam
scotch fuck israel then go and fuck your mother u long nose dirty auszwitz escaping terrorist cunt u  (the funniest comment I read on youtube)