Texans (TAG) Apologize For Jones Behavior - pdf

Started by Rockclimber, February 15, 2010, 02:39:57 PM

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Date: Jan. 31, 2010
From: Chuck Young, Treasurer & Founder, TAG
To: Art Acevedo, Dave Carter, APD
Subject: Apology
Dear Chiefs Acevedo and Carter,
I'm writing this to offer my most sincere apologies for the boorish behavior of Alex Jones during the
recent 2nd amendment protest at APD HQ.
Mr. Jones was not invited by us and is not associated with TAG in any way. I found his actions divisive,
immature, rude, hateful, and provocative in the worst sense of the word. I was especially aggrieved at
Jones' hysterical antics because, as the video record shows, I started the rally with (roughly) the following
"I'm here today armed with nothing but the Constitution. In addition to our right to bear arms, this great
document preserves our right to peaceable assembly. The operative word there is PEACEABLE - lets
keep it that way!"
While we at TAG may oppose APD on various points of policy, I want you to know that we, and I myself,
respect and appreciate the consummate professionalism with which you and your officers have always
conducted yourselves, in every single dealing I and other TAG principals have had with you.
Chuck Young